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Annual Rose Pruning Demonstration in Balboa Park

MAKE PLANS NOW to participate in our Annual Rose Pruning Event on Saturday, January 13th, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:00am in the Inez Parker Grant Balboa Park Rose Garden. Whether you are a brand new or seasoned rosarian, this is a great opportunity to either learn beginning rose pruning techniques or by all means take a refresher course! Many of our Consulting Rosarians and Rose Corps experts will be on site to work with you in small groups, demonstrating the basics of rose pruning, whether it be a Hybrid Tea, Floribunda, or another variety. Be sure to bring your own clippers and gloves, as you will also have a chance to prune a rose bush (or two, or three), and have it critiqued. This is such a great way to build confidence in your skills as we head into the month of January and the time of year in San Diego that is best for preparing your roses for dormancy and a much needed respite. Please plan to meet by the fountain on the north side of the garden at 9:00am. The UCCE Master Gardeners Tool Care Committee will be on site to sharpen one pruner per person (as time permits) for free.
Bring one pair of pruners or loppers and have them sharpened for free by the UCCE Master Gardeners of San Diego County’s Tool Care Committee. The first 30 people to drop off their pruners or loppers in good working condition at the booth will have them cleaned, sharpened and ready for pick up after the demonstration. 

  • Pruners or loppers must have no longer than an 2 inch blade and be in good working condition.
    No serrated blades (pruning saws) or long blades (hedge shears).

  • 'Good working condition' means that the tool is operational (opens and closes, can cut a twig), has minimal rust and grime, and no chips or divots on the blade.

In the past we’ve had several wonderful SDRS volunteers assist in organizing folks into groups. Please let Deborah, Natalie, or Steve Berry know if you can be on hand to help with that. There’ll be doughnuts for all volunteers, so don’t start your post-holiday diet until after that day!

Reminder to CR’s and Demonstrators: Please plan to arrive that morning by 8:30am with your bucket of tools including:

  • Pruning shears (consider including extra pairs for attendees)

  • Lopper

  • Pruning saw

  • Sharpening tool

  • Gauntlet gloves

    NOTE TO EVERYONE: Please make sure all your items are labeled as it goes without saying, it’s very easy to misplace things as you are working in the garden. Also, there is usually plentiful free parking in the lot just south of the Science Center, on the west side of Park Boulevard, directly across the rose garden.

December 10

Annual Holiday and Awards Luncheon

January 20

Special Event: Free Rose Care Talk at Walter Andersen Nursery